June 12 – 15, 2025
with Ashaya Charlotte
Do you feel like you had a difficult time as a child “arriving” fully, roots down deep into the earth?
Do you sometimes feel like parts of you still haven’t landed?
My personal experience has been one of gaining puzzle pieces, spaces of remembrance, tools here and there, and putting them together as they are integrated and it is appropriate. The deep states of consciousness and the soul within moves slower than the life force and creation energy ready to bring forward everything at once.
To feel our landing, our arrival, we may enter a journey of curiosity, awareness, and integration…slowly.
For this retreat, we will get curious about:
How do we bring all aspects of ourselves into this body/vessel, this timeline here and now? Or how do we create a new one if necessary?
How do we arrive now if we did not fully land as a child?
How can we help our human friends to land?
How can we change these patterns and create new ways to energetically bring our children here?
We will Spirit Quest and utilize tools and practices for this work such as guided shavasana and yoga nidra, group energywork treatments, a breathwork ceremony, meditation and channeling, sacred sauna, elemental healing, DNA and ancestry trauma release, a vortex fire ceremony, and morning practices on the beach.
The schedule will include decompression time to spend in slow contemplation and integration, receiving messages and allowing your process.
Plan to arrive Thursday between 5:00 and 6:30pm. Opening Ceremony will be promptly at 7:00 pm. Closing Ceremony Sunday at 2:00 pm.

Ashaya is a cosmic being … born of the astral; born of the void; the black womb of no thing; she is able to hold this level of space for her friends as we travel and grow. Being in a class or workshop with Ashaya allows for experiences where our essences and magic travels through one another to support new perceptions, new awareness, new levels of depth expansion and healing. Ashaya enjoys supporting cosmic cleanup and planetary purges as we shed our shadows and step into our gifts and siddhis. The stillness and the magick Mama Gaia holds allows for peace and calm and a space to drop in easily to my body; I melt with the Earth and I feel at Home.