with Darcy Williamson
September 23 – 25, 2022
From the Forest Studio at McCall, Idaho

Guests may arrive Thursday afternoon or evening to get settled into their rooms and be prepared for Friday morning.

We will be heading to the forest at 10:00 A.M. Friday, after breakfast.

Most of Friday and Saturday will be spent harvesting.  Roots gathered will include Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Lomatium dissectum, Browns Peony, Oregon Grape, Osha, Valerian, Sweet Cicely, and Avensroot.

Sunday will be spent making products from roots gathered. The day will end at 4:00 P.M. Guests may stay Sunday night if they have a distance to travel on Monday.

Meals will be served from Friday’s breakfast through Sunday’s lunch. Lodging, meals and all supplies for projects are included. The outdoor sauna will be heated each evening. There is a movie room, library, and board game area for after dinner relaxation.

The weather may be cool or rainy, so be prepared with sturdy boots, gloves, both a warm coats and rain gear and extra socks.

Register here.